I am not sure why I feel the need to give these 'life' updates. I know I have all of 2 readers and they probably don't even make it though these little gems but I think looking back these might be my favorite posts just to see where we are today, this week, this season.
Life is good. I mean really good. Not everything is perfect but I am grateful for my life and how it is unfolding. In fact it's astonishing to me.
Brent has been out of town since last Tuesday. I usually don't like to put it out there that he isn't home, I know it's not safe but this is a big deal right now. He isn't scheduled to be home until Friday evening. I am truckin right along trying to keep Luke's life pretty normal except his missing other half. This is the first time in over a year that he has been gone more than a few days so I am defiantly counting my blessings. We Facetime with Brent at least once a day so that helps so much!
Other than that we are just living life. Lots of going going right now which has been a blessing in disguise since Brent's not with us. Luke does not do well cooped up in the house. Like. at all! So every evening I make sure we have something to do. Tball is tonight. Last night we went to walmart then home to play outside. Tomorrow we might go to Pawpa's house, it's just little things but it keeps us going and from getting sad at home.
Lucas is doing so well in school! He can read around 10 words and knows so much with is letters. He can tell you what letter a word starts with when you ask him. He is also doing better with discipline this 2nd half of the year and he is doing great at telling others his feelings and not crying or hitting back if someone is doing that to him. Every night he wants to read about Jesus and brings me his little bible and we read some stories from it. He will tell people "God wants our hearts" and tears slip (from me) everytime. I hope he is always such a bright light.
Tomorrow is May and I can't even believe it! I am so beyond excited for this summer! I am looking forward to family trips, afternoons at the pool, tan legs, rides in the Mustang, lots of reading, yummy drinks, and maybe just maybe the promise of a sweet baby to grow our family.
Monday we close on our new home loan and while I not sure how big that is for other people it's huge for us. We have worked so hard and with the help of Brent's sweet Granny we will be at a place I never even dreamed of at age 25. It still takes my breath away. I will able to be at home, raising my kids, taking them places, not having to worry about how will I get them here or there and I hope I can help other moms as well. I would love nothing more than to have my Tahoe chalk full of loud kids after school.
I have found an amazing since of myself these past few months. I know the Unglued bible study was put in my life at a perfect time. I learned while I am rarely "unglued' with other people it is me that I get unglued with. Sure I do take things out on Brent and even Lucas sometimes but other than that I just wasn't being me. I was so hurt and so lost and so sick of living inside of myself my actions were reflecting how I feel. I don't want that, that isn't me.
I have rekindled a friendship that I thought was lost and that means the wold to me. I hope I can be a light for Him and I just want to help others who are lost or are going through a hard time.
So that's about it. Life is full and good and hard yet so hopeful. I say it all the time but I am so blessed.