So we had a pretty busy weekend.
Friday Brent went out of town to look at a car so it was just Lucas and I we had
hotdogs and marshmallows for dinner, his favorites! We watched cartoons until daddy came home!
Saturday we had a Olivia's first birthday party to go to! Miranda (her mommy) did an amazing job with all the food and decorations! It was "Yo
Gabba Gabba" theme and it turned out amazing! Three tiered cake and all! I am so mad at myself for not having my camera, my mom had hers so I need to get what she has and post them. Lucas had a blast there was tons of balloons and kids to play with! We even left with some of Miranda's awesome cake balls!
Saturday night Brent surprised me with a "Date Night" those are few and far between for us so I was really excited! We went and ate at El Chico and then went into the mall scouting out Lucas a suit to wear for his Christmas Program at school. That was an adventure to say the least! We ended up finding exactly what he needed but it was way more than I'd like to spend on a toddler outfit that he will be wearing for one song! And let me remind you he still needed some shoes! We found at another store what he needed and half the price of the other place but they were out of his size! I was not happy! After a few more rounds around the mall and the "O my gosh it's 9 o'clock" we decided we better just buy the one we knew would work, so we did. I can honestly say I believe things happen for a reason because on the way home Brent and I talked about how truly blessed we are,and how
we I don't need to stress about finances, that we are fine and way more than provided for, We need to be thankful for what we have. Because when I get stressed I have a way of making everyone around me unhappy, I don't know why, coping mechanism maybe? I don't know, we talked a lot about that. So that was my "relaxing" date night! Ha!
Sunday we (Lucas and I) had another birthday party and a baby shower to go to! Lucas had fun at both, I am so glad to have a baby that LOVES people, he can have a good time just about anywhere that someone will pay him attention and he got it on Sunday!
After the shower we had to rush home and get ready for a play that the
First Baptist Church in Greenwood was putting on. My sweet friend
Jessica got us tickets and she was also in the play. It was a wonderful performance of "A Christmas Carol!" They had great people for the parts and the costumes and sets were good too! I am so glad we went it opened up a great conversation between Brent and I last night! Lucas went to a family fish fry with his grandparents so I kinda got two date nights with my husband all to myself this weekend! Score!!
All in all we had a great one! Hope you did too!