Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Brent's Accident {Part 2}

Tuesday January 3rd was Brent's eye surgery.

All went as planned in the surgery and the doctor was very pleased with the results, the surgery only took about 30 min of the hour the doctor said it would but recovery was a lot rougher than expected. Brent was in so much pain and it was just awful not to mention we had to drive back home from Little Rock right in rush hour traffic. NOT FUN!

But we made it!
The first couple of days were awful. They really were so bad he was hurting so bad and there was nothing I could do for him. That has got to be one of the worst feelings in the world. I stayed home with him for the first few days but had to get back to work after that. The pain was still really significant when we went back a week later for his check up.

Wednesday January 11th was his check up day and we were relieved to find out all is well! The pain he was/is having is normal. The doctor said all should be well enough for him to go back to work on the 23rd!

Every day since the check up has been better and better.

He has been up and moving around every day and Sunday we even went out to dinner for the first time since all this!
We got back out again yesterday for lunch and ran some errands. We went by the shop to drop off some paper work and he got to see his ol truck. It looks and smells awful and is a hard reminder of what could of been.

I am so happy to have my husband back and on the mend. I am so grateful he is here and will return back to his old self soon. And I cannot thank everyone enough for their prayers and support though this whole thing.
God is so good and I am thanking Him every day.


Jessica S. said...

SO glad he is on the downhill slope of all this!!

Miranda said...

<3! I'm glad things are looking up!!!